Most clever Secret Sister.....
I am gleaming with joy right now..... My secret sister for Scrap Ect.. has to be the most clever of them all.... I don't know how but Sat night when I got into bed there was a wrapped present from her sitting on my pillow.... An adorable pink makeup bag filled with goodies. A hair clip, 2 lipglosses, ribbon, fanci brads, and the coolest chipboard journaling spots.... I was like how the heck did this get here???? I thought my DH was getting romantic on me...
Well if you are thinking that was clever.......... Listen to what she sent me today!!! I went to visit Chloe and she handed me this Dunkin Donuts bag ..... So I open it and inside was the most AWESOME gift card you ever saw!! My secret sister decorated the Dunkin Gift card to look like the Scrap Ect logo.... Which is soooooooo funny because my charms for the charm swapp are the scrap ect logo..... and the gift card was worth $20!! That is alot of Joe.....
Well I thank you from the bottom of my coffee mug!! I go to DD everyday and order a Decaf black with one splenda.... ( I am trying to do Kacey's diet.. no dairy or carbs) I will cherish this card forever and hang it up in my scrap room when it is all used up!!
Thanks so much secret sister.... you little devil you!!